Getting hit by a drunk or careless driver can not only cause serious injuries, but can make you feel scared, frustrated, and helpless. You may find yourself dealing with expensive repairs, unpaid medical bills, and even the inability to work.


Our team of trial attorneys and staff have experience with all kinds of accident cases and will step in right away to reduce your stress and get you on the road to recovery. We will help you understand your rights, answer your questions, and then put together a customized plan of action for your specific case. We’re proud to have secured numerous multi-million dollar recoveries for our car accident clients and also help them find the best doctors. We focus on getting you fair compensation that puts you at ease and providing a path toward getting the right medical attention, paying off any outstanding medical bills, and dealing with the physical pain and emotional distress that comes with any car accident.


Hit-and-Run Car Accident Attorneys in San Diego


If you’ve been involved in a hit and run auto accident, you can pursue damages in court. Need help determining which damages you can pursue due to personal injury or insurance gaps? Look no further than the team at Arendsen Braddock Law in San Diego and Solana Beach, California.

What is a hit and run?

A hit and run accident refers to someone being hit followed by immediate withdrawal from the scene.  This could mean someone was either struck while walking or while driving, but the motorist who hit you flees the scene before the police gets there or you can collect their insurance information.

In the state of California, a hit and run is categorized as a misdemeanor and carries a possible sentence of up to six months, $1,000 fine, or both. This, of course, depends on the severity of the accident as well as the circumstances of negligence, insurance and more. A hit and run also has to be intentional; common hit and run accidents can occur when the at-fault driver has no insurance or is under the influence and doesn’t want to get caught with an OUI.


What Can I Pursue?

If you have uninsured or underinsured motorist protection on your policy, we can make sure you’re paid for your damages. If you don’t have either of those insurance protections, so long as the at-fault driver is identified, we can help you win your claim.

My Insurance Won’t Pay Me

If you’ve been involved in or are a victim of a reckless driving accident, reach out to the experienced team at Arendsen Braddock LLP. We can walk you through the many damages, including financial and pain and suffering damages, to help you get the most out of your lawsuit. Find us online or in two convenient locations near San Diego and Solana Beach today

The most common issue after a hit and run accident lays with insurance. Fighting an insurance company, even if you have the proper coverage, can feel like an uphill battle. The majority of our clients have a harder time pursuing their insurance for damages than anything else. Due to California law, the California Insurance Code requires your insurer to provide uninsured motorist coverage to bodily injury, but if you aren’t physically injured, you may not be covered. Additionally, that California code does not protect your vehicle in the claim.

If you’ve been involved in a hit and run auto accident and don’t have bodily injuries nor have uninsured motorist coverage, you likely cannot pursue a claim. Because California Law does not require drivers to have extra UMC/UIM (uninsured or underinsured) coverage, our clients are usually left paying for damages out of their own pocket and driving their own auto insurance rates up.



Since San Diego is a city of bustling bodies and busy intersections, it’s not uncommon for hit and run accidents to occur. If you’ve been involved in a hit and run and accrue financial and physical damages, it’s time to contact a lawyer today. We can’t wait to help you!





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