Special Damages in Wrongful Death Cases



At Arendsen Braddock LLP, some of our most experienced attorneys not only represent motorcycle riders, but we ride ourselves. We are proud to have gotten some exceptional results for our motorcycle clients and we understand that motorcycle cases can present unique challenges and very serious injuries.


Often the police try to blame motorcycle riders for accidents, regardless of who’s really at fault. We deal with these stereotypes all the time and send out our own team of independent experts to investigate the accident and find out what really happened. Our experienced trial attorneys then go to work to fight the insurance companies and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. If you’re in need of medical care, we also make sure you get to the best doctors to get the treatment you need for your injuries. We fight to get you all the compensation you deserve, including money for your pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, physical impairments, deformities, and other injuries. We also recover money for spouses or other family members whose relationships have suffered as a result of serious injuries to their loved ones.


Special Damages in Wrongful Death Cases

There is nothing more devastating in life than losing a loved one, especially in an unexpected event. Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking it’s their last day or knowing that they will lose a loved one, which is why it’s important to assess special damages in a wrongful death case. While we know that no amount of compensation can ever heal the loss of someone you love, it will help the financial burden you’re placed with when you unexpectedly have thousands of dollars in medical bills, litigation bills or the burden of potentially being the sole provider in your household.

What are Special Damages?

Special damages are damages that are in contrast with typical monetary damages and refer to damages that are inflicted on you that have no valued cost. These are damages like emotional distress, ongoing pain, trauma, or special injury.

We work closely with the families of wrongful death cases to fully understand the impact that losing a loved one has on the family. There are times that we spend hours in a household to witness the true loss of that person and what the family is now lacking because of that loss. From time spent doing housework to financial loss because of being a single provider to emotional pain that causes lack of sleep or need for ongoing prescription medicine, we are here to fight for it all.

How Are Special Damages Awarded?

Because we are dedicated to spending time with families due to wrongful death cases, we are able to see the impact that the death has caused for the loved one(s) and we can document the trauma. Special damages are awarded to compensate the claimant for costs that are incurred due to the defendant’s actions but are not directly tied to the monetary value of replacing items in the accident. This means that compensation is awarded for damages not directly involved in an accident but could be incurred at a later date. We can help you sue for special damages in a wrongful death case if the damages include:

  • Cost to repair property
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills and ongoing medical treatment
  • Sick time or vacation time needed
  • Out of pocket expenses
  • Special medical damages like therapy, both physical and emotional
  • …and more!

Contact Our San Diego Special Damages Attorneys

If you’re battling a wrongful death or injury case and have incurred debt due to the damage, let us help you. We’ve won millions of dollars for our clients in the Southern California and Escondido area, and we can help you win, too! When insurance doesn’t cover the cost of replacing items in an accident, and you are continuing to deal with incurred costs from medical bills, lost wages, or emotional distress, then you are eligible for a case review. Give Arendsen Braddock a call! With convenient locations in downtown San Diego and Solana Beach, we can guarantee a professional and free first case review when you need one. We are ready to work with you and your family today!

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